Friday 17 May 2013

Vintage...sorry but I just don't get it

I own a Vintage Singer sewing machine, I know it is vintage because it's from the war time comes in it's original box with instructions and I can look up it's serial number to find when it was produced. You can see a picture of it above, it's so cute! (even if it does need the belt replacing). I'm going to take it with me for our craft fair at the weekend, as a prop to give the feel of a sewing room for our stall. If I can pull it off that is.

When my mother came to visit we went to have a look around Cardiff town centre at all the arcades and the architecture within. My mother really likes the "vintage" vibe, so we popped in several shops claiming to be vintage. To be honest, the majority of them I felt like I should have taken her to Oxfam or some other charity shop. With the exception of a few I felt like the shops had just completely missed the point of what vintage is all about.

When I think of vintage the first thing that springs to mind is wartime and rations. I class vintage as anything that's about 50 years old or more. Maybe I am wrong, but I like to think of these items being incredibly well made and bespoke items. Such things as handmade flapper dresses, crocheted cotton lace dresses with hand sewn linings, and beautiful brooches. However, what you seem to get in the shops these days are cheap imitations and trying to find the gold within these "junk" stores is more frustrating than trying to find a good fit of a t-shirt (that's another story).

What annoys me the most is when something is sold as "vintage" when in fact it is "vintage style". I once bought a scarf for my sister that claimed to be vintage, when it arrived it was packaged appallingly and I complained to the seller. Real vintage items should be treated with care and love, they're like little old ladies trying to cross a road they have lasted this long and we should endeavour to ensure they last a little while longer.

Although, the real bee in my bonnet is items that are classed as vintage, yet they were only in fashion 5-10 years ago. That's not vintage people, that's just tat. Oh well, sorry for the moan everyone I just really don't get what all the fuss is about.

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